10 Easy Ways To Give Back To Your Community This Christmas

The holidays are about a lot of different things, and each person may celebrate them a little different. But at its heart, the spirit of the season is primarily about things like giving, caring, and loving one another. And while it's easy to put some presents under the tree and prepare a great meal for your loved ones, what about those you've never met who need help?

Giving back to your community is important. It’s not only something that will make a lasting impact in the lives of others, but it is something that can also help you feel better about yourself and what you have contributed. With that in mind, let's look at 10 easy ways you can give back to your community this Christmas.

1. Visit the local grocery store or mall and choose a child's name from their "giving tree". Then, pick out the child's gift or gifts as a family and donate them.

2. Deliver cookies to the local nursing homes, or visit them for a bit to just sit and talk. You can also organize a holiday caroling visit with others.

3. Prepare a full, healthy holiday meal together as a family. Then, deliver it to a sick friend or an elderly person who may not have anyone to see them this holiday season. Often, just spending time with someone who is homebound means more to them than most people can ever realize.

4. Make a donation to the Marine Corps Reserve's annual Toys for Tots donation drive. Your kids can pick out a toy to donate as well.

5. You can also visit the local hospice care center or children's hospital. Bring small gift baskets and deliver them to the children who are in treatment, or sit with those in hospice care centers.

6. Another great option is to donate an hour or two to a new parent if they have nobody close by. Sometimes, a couple needs to get out and spend a little time together without a child. If they trust you and you are close, it's likely that they'll be willing to do just that while you volunteer as a babysitter for a couple of hours.

7. Volunteering at a local soup kitchen or food pantry is an obvious option, but one that still deserves a place on this list as it can make a big impact in the lives of others.

8. Make some healthy dog biscuits and take them to a local animal shelter. The dogs will love your homemade treat and the extra attention to boot! Spend some time helping the workers care for the dogs and you will have some new human friends along with your new dog friends, after your day at the shelter.

9. If you have a relative or friend who is down on their luck, consider raising money from the rest of your family to make a donation to them for a bill that they need to pay.

10. Send Christmas cards to military personnel who are serving overseas and may not be able to see their loved ones this year.